Research about Quality Distinctions in Polynesia
Meet The Researchers
Giovanni Bennardo
I am a Board of Trustees and Distinguished Research Professor in Linguistic and Cognitive Anthropology at Northern Illinois University.
My main interest is the relationship between language and cognition. In the last 25 years, I have conducted extensive research about Tongan, a Polynesian language, from the linguistic and cognitive representations of spatial relationships to cultural models of Nature.
Contact me at:
Web page:
Claire Moyse-Faurie
I am an emeritus director of research at LACITO, CNRS
My research interest is the description of the languages of New Caledonia and of Wallis and Futuna.
I focus on sintactic typology, lexical categorization and nominalization.
Contact me at:
Mary Walworth
I am a Senior Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, where I direct the Comparative Oceanic Linguistics research group.
My research focuses on the evolution and interaction of Oceanic languages, specifically in Polynesia and Vanuatu. Through language documentation and comparison of many understudied languages in these areas, I work to uncover not only historical linguistic relationships but also historical relationships between the speakers of these languages.
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